Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Cabin

We drove out there again today - every time we see it now, it changes. I couldn't believe how green and full the trees are - nothing like back east woods, but for Southern California . . . well, I'm so excited. We don't have the keys yet, but soon - maybe it'll be this week. The real estate agent gave us the code to her lock box, so we let ourselves in this afternoon. We were anxious to see what the previous owners have left. This past weekend was their "good-bye" weekend with the cabin they've loved so much . . . they officially moved out. I couldn't believe . . .

Two champagne glasses were on the kitchen counter - along with a very nice note, welcoming us to the cabin - where some things are, where an extra set of keys is hidden outside . . .

. . . and inviting us to have a bottle of champagne they left chilling in the fridge! ~N

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Cabin in the Lagunas

Today we went up to the cabin to just hang out and then go for a walk in the woods. A week or so from now it will be ours - rustic, even worn on the outside (designated 'historic' and thus it must remain so). Inside - paneled in light knotty pine, open and airy with a view across a meadow from the two large windows in the 'we don't yet know what to call it' room. ~B